Three Best Laundry Room Storage Ideas

Three  Best Laundry Room Storage Ideas

In real estate they’re always exclaiming the importance of “location, location, location”! However in the laundry room, you will likely find yourself yelling, “storage, storage, STORAGE”!!!

While laundry rooms tend to be either one of the smallest rooms in the house, they conversely have the huge responsibility of being your household’s workhorse for cleaning all your garments, apparel, towels, cloths, bedding, etc.

As we’ve discussed in other articles on laundry room organization strategies, this article is going to explore the best available options for storage in your laundry room or closet. While your laundry area carries a heavy burden of responsibility, I will show you there is no need for it to carry a heavy burden of messiness.

Above Laundry Storage Cabinets/Shelves



Three  Best Laundry Room Storage Ideas

Easily one of the most annoying problems in the laundry room is deciding on where to store your laundry detergent, fabric softener, dryer sheets, etc. When you add up all the odds and ends you need to operate your washer and dryer, you are left with quite a bit of items that take up a lot of space and can be potentially dangerous to kids and pets. This is why my go-to for laundry room storage has always been  “above laundry storage cabinets”.

For these, you can spend as little or as much as you can imagine. For me, since I rarely am showing off my laundry room, I just got some cheap used cabinets I found on craigslist for $25. Now, I have some handy and safe storage for all my laundry chemicals.

Laundry Baskets

Three  Best Laundry Room Storage Ideas

If you have extra space in your laundry room, it’s a good idea to invest in some quality laundry baskets. I suggest buying multiple baskets so you are able to pre-sort your clothing in advance. This way, when you’re inevitably in a pinch during laundry day, you can zoom through the process like a breeze.

Rolling Cleaner Carts

Last but not least, if you’re still needing extra space in your room I highly suggest a narrow rolling laundry cart. These are designed to roll in a narrow gap in between your wall and laundry appliances. Since this is a common unfilled gap in people's laundry rooms, this makes an excellent idea to utilize that wasted space. Aww, yes. Now that feels good!

Interested in more laundry related ideas? Check out our article on how to properly load a washing machine.

Also, check out our products that are sure to bring your laundry game to the next level!

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