Tips For Organizing A Laundry Room

Tips For Organizing A Laundry Room

I come bearing good news. We currently live in a time where there are more solutions and products to help keep your home organized than any other time in history. 


While that is a bold statement, homes are also likely more disorganized than they have ever been as well. 

Today I will focus specifically on the laundry room as a common space that is overrun with unfolded clean clothes, dirty laundry, and scattered cleaning products. If you are like most people I know, then you usually have the door to your laundry room closed because it is such an unsightly mess. My goal here is to help you with some tips and products I’ve picked up along the way to keep the laundry room spick and span and a room you will want to show off to anyone who may be company in your home.

In this article, I will list some of the best strategies and products for getting your laundry room organized and stay organized.

Multiple Laundry Baskets

Tips For Organizing A Laundry RoomTips For Organizing A Laundry RoomTips For Organizing A Laundry Room








I highly recommend having multiple laundry baskets in your laundry room so you can pre-sort your laundry before you start washing your clothes. I use three separate baskets. One for whites, one for colors, and one for delicates. I’ve found this system works well for me, but you can arrange the baskets however you like to meet your needs.

The true greatness of this approach is because when you pre-sort your clothing you are reducing the overflowing effect that usually happens when you just have a single basket. Also, the clothes are obviously already sorted out, so when you’re ready to wash them, you don’t have to spend any effort thinking to sort out your clothes while clawing through a big annoying single basket of laundry.

Hanging Rods

Tips For Organizing A Laundry Room

It is absolutely essential to have as much room for hanging clothes in the laundry room as possible. I personally find the racks that hang against the wall and “pop-out” to work great! The reason it is so essential to have all the rack space is because 1) the best time to hang clothes from the dryer is directly after the dryer finishes a cycle. 2) If you have a hanging rack available with plenty of hangers in your laundry room, you will be much better about hanging your clothes up at the right time due to the convenience of having the space available and nearby.

Also, not all clothes are good for drying in a dryer. Everyone needs a dedicated space for clothing to gently hang and dry so it doesn’t wrinkle or grow smelly mildew.

Cabinet Space

Tips For Organizing A Laundry Room

If you’re like the many who leave the detergent and softener on top of your washing machine, this should be your top priority. While detergent is great at cleaning your clothing, it also has a bad habit for leaving residue all over your washing machine if you use your washing machine as a shelf. Ideally, you need a cabinet with closing doors so you can keep the cleaners out of sight as well as out of reach for children and pets.

Folding table

If you have a bit of extra space in your laundry room, I highly recommend investing in a counter-height folding table. The fact of the matter is that you are far more likely to get the chore of folding your clothes done when you make it as easy as possible on yourself. When you have a dedicated space for that chore, it doesn’t get easier than that! Additionally, when you fold your clothes straight from the dryer, it will greatly reduce the amount of clutter in the room.

Rolling Detergent Shelf

For those that don’t have the available space or money for cabinetry in your laundry room. A great affordable option is for a rolling laundry detergent shelf. Over recent years, these have become far more common. These fantastic narrow shelves fit on either side of your washing machine or dryer and you can even put it in between your appliances. These provide the same function as cabinets but you don’t have to worry about construction.

Interested in more tips for stepping up your laundry room game? Check out our article explaining how to properly load a washing machine.

While you’re at it, check out our product page for our latest and greatest products to help you with your home appliance needs.

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