Best Tips For Buying A Used Dryer

Best Tips For Buying A Used Dryer

Here’s a situation that may be all too familiar… You load your clothes dryer with a big load of heavy, wet clothes. You clean the lint trap. You select the your desired time and heat setting then push the start knob. Ok, great! You’ve done your job and now it’s time for the dryer to do its job. After an hour passes when you check your clothes, you notice… the clothes are still wet…


This can be especially demoralizing when you’re in a time crunch and you are expecting your clothes to be dry!

Best Tips For Buying A Used Dryer

If this sound familiar or you just simply are in the market for a clothes dryer, then I’m here to provide you some solid tips on buying a used dryer.


Why buy used?

Buying a used dryer is a good idea on several levels. First, this is obviously going to be MUCH less expensive than buying a new dryer at a big box retailer store. Also, when you buy a used dryer you are most likely buying a product that has been on the market for a few years and has already developed a track record of performance. The advantage here is the fact that you can do your research to find out which exact models have the least issues and are easiest to fix. If you own a dryer long enough, it’s not if it will need repairing, it’s when it will be repairing, so this is a big deal.

Best Tips For Buying A Used Dryer

Where to buy a used dryer?

This advice can also be used for washing machines as well as dryers, but I strongly recommend purchasing your used dryer from a second hand used appliance shop. If you buy from a used appliance business, your dryer will be protected by a warranty, which is great since you’ll have an extended amount of time to test for defects in your own home. Secondly, as you already know, dryers are large, cumbersome, and difficult to move. Used appliance shops will most likely provide the service of delivering and setting up your dryer. This can save you a lot of logistical heartache as well as your back.


If you decide to buy a dryer from a private seller through a classified service such as Craigslist, then you will certainly benefit from a lower price, but this comes at the cost of not knowing for certain if the dryer is fully functional and you will also have to move the unit yourself.


What brands of dryers to buy?

This is a big one. When purchasing a used dryer it is important to buy a brand that knows their stuff and has proven their worth. I am a big believer that if a company has a long track record of reliability and success, then you will most likely have the same experience when purchasing one of their products. As mentioned above, companies that have been making dryers for a long time will have an abundance of low cost replacement parts from their direct source and third party suppliers. When it comes time for you to have to replace a heating element or a gasket, you’ll be thanking yourself. Thinking of this purchase from a total cost (including future repairs) standpoint will save your money and heartache. That being said, below are a few trusty, well-known, and very reliable brands that have stood the test of time:


Speed Queen




What to inspect on a used dryer?

Similarly to the experience of buying a used washing machine, you will only need to inspect the dryer if you plan on purchasing the unit from a private seller. If buying from a used appliance store, then you can feel confident that the dryer has already been repaired, refurbished, and tested for any issues. 

Best Tips For Buying A Used Dryer

The following tips can be used for inspecting a used dryer before purchasing:


When inspecting the dryer, it is important to have the seller plug-in the machine for you to test before you part with your money. If it is not available for a quick test, walk away.


Since you typically will not have a lot of time for inspection at a private seller’s home, then it is important to be patient and as efficient as possible with your inspection.


First, take a look at the overall outside appearance of the machine. If it looks clean and free of dents/scratches, it’s a good sign that the owner has taken care of the dryer. 


Second, switch the machine to a high heat setting and start the dryer. Listen closely for any irregular squeaking, grinding, or rattling. Sounds such as these can be indicative of bad bearings, which can be an expensive fix.


After the dryer has been running for a few minutes, check the timer dial to see if it has progressed at all. If it has not, this is also troublesome because you will likely need to replace the dryer’s control panel which is another costly expense.


Now, open the dryer’s door to stop the cycle. Place your hand inside to see if the dryer has heated up at all. Two minutes of running time should be plenty for the dryer to start generating a noticeable amount of heat.


While the door is open, run your hand all along the gasket that lines the door. Here, you should be checking for gaps or tears in the gasket. If there is a gap or tear, your clothes can potentially get caught and cause small burn stains on your garments.


Lastly, check the rear exhaust of the machine for cleanliness. If there is lint build up, it is a sign that the seller may not have been diligent in regularly cleaning the lint trap or worse could indicate a dangerous build up of lint on the dryer’s interior ducting. This won’t be a deal breaker because it can fairly easily be cleaned, but it will give you an idea of the type of care the machine has been under.



You can certainly benefit from purchasing a used dryer financially and potentially even get a more reliable machine since you have the opportunity to buy using known information of the brand and dryer’s track record. Without a doubt, when buying an appliance new or used, there is a chance of getting a lemon. But if you make a point of doing your due diligence, then you have the best chance of having a good outcome in your used dryer hunt.


As always, if you have any other ideas or comments on tips for buying a used dryer, please let me know or leave a comment below!



Got an interest in what else your dryer can do for you? Check out our article on all the cool things you can do with your dryer lint!

Lastly, check out our product page to take a look at some items that will help with some of the most common home appliance issues. 

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